Swiss Business Hotel


If you represent a large company or firm in Ukraine or abroad for you and your guests, we will develop special corporate rates for accommodation in a business class hotel elite 4-star  Swiss Hotel in Lviv.

Versatile, the hotel allegedly emerged from the Middle Ages, the business center of the Swiss Hotel combines: a spacious conference room in the center of Lviv, which can be both comfortable coworking, a prestigious mini-hotel and a premium restaurant - it's for dessert, but worth noting that there are not only delicious desserts. Everything is delicious in the Valentino restaurant: Italian Vitello Tonato, Caesar with chicken. Julien, Steak Ribey, Cod baked, and Napoleon is certainly the most delicious in Lviv. In addition, we have provided in the central Swiss Hotel a lot of parking spaces, which creates additional amenities for guests traveling by car.

Write to us or call and take advantage of this offer.
Live in our seven days of carefree life!

We are located at: st. Prince Roman, 20
To book a room call us:
+38 (096) 240-37-77
You can also book a room at the Swiss Hotel through the website or by writing to us on Facebook and Instagram. See you at the most cozy hotel in Lviv - the Swiss Hotel.

For reservations, more information and prices, please contact us.

+380 322 403 777