04 May 2021

views: 4206

Vaccination of services in Lviv, including employees of the Swiss Hotel

                        Vaccination of services in Lviv, including employees of the Swiss Hotel

The situation with coronavirus incidence and hospitalizations also continues to be monitored in Lviv. Currently, due to favorable dynamics, the city administration has allowed the resumption of summer terraces of restaurants and indoors. We hope that the team of the Swiss Hotel will be vaccinated as soon as possible, because we are very worried about the health of our guests and our own! We do our best for the safe stay of guests in our hotel and restaurant!
To book a room call us:
+38 (032) 240-37-77
+38 (096) 240-37-77
You can also book a room at the Swiss Hotel through the website or by contacting us on Facebook and Instagram. See you at the most cozy hotel in Lviv - the Swiss Hotel.

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