17 November 2021

views: 3946

Art project "Convolution" opened in Lviv

                        Art project "Convolution" opened in Lviv

On November 10, a project by Lviv artist Vadym Panchenko called Zhortok was opened at the Dzyga Gallery. The exhibition can be viewed until December 2. This was reported by the correspondent of the site 032.ua.

Through the image of a bound fish, which has no tail or head, but is alive, the artist wanted to show a squeezing feeling that does not allow to think, to feel the world around.

"It's about a state when you can't resist the current and external circumstances. When, for example, some difficult situations happen in life, and you can't think of anything else, you concentrate on it, you lose interest in everything else, everything is tasteless and colorless. There is tension, you wind yourself up and it becomes even bigger, then you become a hostage of such a collapsed state. In principle, this project is about that, "Vadym Panchenko explained.

We will remind that it is possible to visit gallery in the presence of the COVID-certificate on vaccination. The "Convolution" project can be viewed by anyone at Dzyza until December 2.