15 August 2021

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The restaurant in the center of Lviv joined the fundraiser for Victoria Polyuga

                        The restaurant in the center of Lviv joined the fundraiser for Victoria Polyuga

A one-year-old woman from Lviv has a rare genetic disease that requires a $ 2 million injection
“In general, we do not demonstrate our participation in charitable projects. But such a situation as in Victoria should be heard by every Lviv resident, every small or large chain of restaurants, cafes, every hotel, every small or large production! Situations such as the case of little Victoria are cases that need to be talked about loudly, to involve everyone who is not indifferent, to act extremely quickly. Every hour and every contribution and even prayer is important for the baby to recover. It is quite possible to collect the required amount when collecting it all together - the whole city, or the whole region or the country ", - says the manager of the restaurant "Valentino" Mykhailo Shevelyuk. We encourage business representatives to join the initiative and announce similar actions - this is very important for saving the life of a small child. For every Ukrainian business, this and similar projects are an opportunity to prove themselves as a socially responsible and caring organization. It doesn't matter what kind of business it is - big or small, it cannot operate in isolation from society! He must be socially responsible, respond to people's problems and, of course, make a significant contribution to their solution.

SMA causes muscle weakness and atrophy, and a sick child eventually loses the ability to move, sit, swallow, and breathe. Without treatment, patients with SMA usually do not live to two years. Now Victoria Polyuza is a year and 4 months old, and a quarter of the required amount has already been collected for her. More about the girl's condition here.
"Big business cannot operate in isolation from society - it must be socially responsible, respond to people's problems and, of course, make a significant contribution to their solution. Thanks to each of our guests who orders a cup of coffee, we will be able to join the initiative, thus saving children's lives.
We are convinced that with joint efforts we will get a much better result. And we believe that our guests actively support the project, will be happy to buy coffee drinks from us. Join us so that children's hearts never and nowhere stop! ”

"Doing good deeds should become our useful habit. We are happy to support social initiatives and charitable events, because we are convinced that good can save the world, ”says Swiss Hotel director Anna Dzidzora.

The promotion will last more than a month! We are waiting for you to visit!
The restaurant is located at 20 Nyzhankivskoho Street.
There is also a terrace of the Valentino restaurant on the roof of the Swiss Hotel.
The restaurant is open from 08:00 to 22:00, the terrace from 12:00 to 22:00