08 September 2021

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European Heritage Days in Lviv: the most interesting events

                        European Heritage Days in Lviv: the most interesting events

European Heritage Days will take place in Lviv this weekend, September 10-12. This year's theme is "City for All". The organizers have prepared 77 free events - theater performances, tours, lectures, workshops. Registration started today.

The pan-European theme of this year's European Heritage Days is heritage and inclusion, but the Lviv organizers decided to expand the theme. Chief Coordinator Anna-Maria Samson explained that much attention will be paid to the fight for equal rights, including women, children and ethnic minorities.

Excursions allow to attract people with disabilities: there will be activities with sign language or typhlo translation and for people with mental disorders. In addition, all tourists will be shown a school and library for the blind, a home for the disabled, a psychiatric hospital. They will tell about people who have succeeded despite their disability - Ivan Levynsky, Mykola Bidnyak or Nikifor Drovnyak.

"We are talking about inclusion in a broader context - social, national, ethnic groups, age, gender, which were limited in certain periods. When it comes to objects, we try to either open a famous building for viewing or show it from a different angle. We are rethinking well-known topics from the point of view of inclusion, ”the acting mayor told ZAXID.NET. Head of the Tourism Department of the Lviv City Council Halyna Hrynyk.


Lviv residents. Cohabitation, 10: 00-11: 30. Street Basement, 3.
Olga Lidovska will talk about the coexistence in one city of different strata of society, different in nationality, education and opportunities. In particular, how in the early twentieth century the Jewish community communicated with its neighbors, how it cared for different members of the community, and how it changed.

Invisible people. 17: 00-18: 00. Lecture in the Urban Library on the street. Ustijanovic, 4.
Natalia Zubyk will tell about those who begged in Lviv - old men, homeless people, vagrants, "pilgrims", members of the "grandfather's shop" and kings of beggars, Lviv squirrels, poor and even ugly Lviv maidens. Some of them became legendary. Someone - as a symbol of the hotel "George" or the Powder Tower, someone painted the faces of saints.

Childhood under the control of the KGB. 18: 00-19: 00. Prison on Lontskoho Street (1 Stepana Bandera Street, entrance from Karl Bryullov Street).
Historian and researcher Iryna Yezerska-Vdovenko will give a lecture on KGB methods used by agents to put pressure on dissidents, threatening the safety of relatives, their families, and their educational and career opportunities.

SATURDAY, September 11

Hippies in Lviv: riot against grayness, 10: 00-12: 00. Old Lviv Coffee House (12 Ivana Fedorova Street)
Lviv hippie Alik Olisevych will tell about how representatives of the subculture gathered under the nose of the Communist Party regional committee in Soviet times, how their struggle for their own identity, human rights and freedom from stereotypes developed, will show the cult places of Lviv hippies.

Garbage is inherited. 11: 00-14: 00. pl. Market, 1, entrance to the Town Hall
"The greatest physical legacy we leave for future generations is the waste of our lives. We offer a journey through the history of Lviv, during which you will learn how in the past the city solved the problem of waste accumulation. The Poltva River will reveal to us the secrets of its not quite "pure" history. We will visit the treatment facilities of Lvivvodokanal, see how organic waste gets new life due to their processing at the composting station of LKP "Green City", witness the transformation of the city landfill into a family leisure park, and, quite possibly, take part in laying the first brick building. waste processing plant ", - the organizers invite.

Kulparkiv as a place of healing of the soul by prayer, 12: 30-13: 10. Lviv Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital (95 Kulparkivska Street)
Part of the complex of the psychiatric hospital in Kulpark is a temple, which is built into the center of the second floor of the main building. The whole complex was built in 1870-1880 under the direction of architect Adolf Kuhn. At that time it was believed that the beauty of the environment and architecture helps a person to overcome mental illness. Will show the church of St. Theologian Taras Hrynchyshyn will tell about its history.

Tastes of Frank's cuisine, 13: 30-15: 00. Restaurant "Boykivska gostyna" (8 Mitropolita Andrea Street)

Natalia Tykholoz, a senior researcher at the House of Franko, will tell how Franco ate, what his favorite dishes were, who cooked him food? Is it true that his wife was an "unfortunate housewife" and his daughter-in-law was an outstanding cook, the author of a real encyclopedia of Galician cuisine? And also about family recipes of the Frankiv family with tasting of Boyko dishes in a themed restaurant.

Artist talk "Atelier is normal", 15: 00-17: 00. Memorial Museum of Totalitarian Regimes "Territory of Terror", barrack 2 (45 Chornovola Ave.)
The Atelier Normal community has been uniting artists' workshops with / without Down Syndrome since 2018. Stas Turina and Katya Liebkind present the work of the studio and methods of work. Artist with Down syndrome Eugene Go