29 November 2019

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Children's room at Swiss Hotel

                        Children's room at Swiss Hotel

Children's room at Swiss Hotel

How can you meet friends at a restaurant at the same time and arrange leisure activities for your child? This is an easy-to-solve task. It means visiting a children's room at a hotel. We made sure that restaurant customers did not have any problems. Therefore, the guests of our institution leave the children under the supervision of an experienced nanny and go to the celebration. They have fun without worrying about what daughters and sons do. We take such care. Therefore, the clients of the Valentino restaurant have a rest or celebrate their birthday, anniversary or other holiday.

Playground is a great solution for parents who come to a restaurant or stay at a hotel. It can be used by anyone. This is a good opportunity to relax with your friends or work colleagues. On the playground, children have fun and do not think where their parents are. They have no time for this. In the nursery a lot of toys and fun entertainment. Therefore, boys and girls are busy with their chores. They communicate with each other, find themselves engaged in the soul or just browse the environment.

At the playground at the Valentino restaurant, the children feel great. Here are great conditions for development and fun. The room has everything you need. These are multicolored tables and chairs, as well as large cubes, from which you can build houses and whole castles. Children like this activity very much. They are happy to build houses and receive positive emotions. This activity promotes the development of imagination and imagination. Both boys and girls play soft cubes with equal success. They never get bored because playing with dice gives them joy!

In the children's room of the hotel special attention is paid to the design design. Ideal conditions are created for the children to be interested in the playground. Initially, the designer thought through all the important points and developed a unique project. Then he was brought to life. The room came out bright and original. Multicolored cartoon pictures are painted on the walls. This Luntik with friends, Smeshariki, Fixiki, steam trains, Masha and the Bear. Children like cartoon characters. Therefore, they are interested in spending time at the playground of the Valentino restaurant.

The children's menu is delicious and varied

We know that children need delicious and healthy food. Therefore, experienced specialists worked on the development of the children's menu. The menu includes a variety of dishes. They are at the same time delicious, healthy and original in design. Our chefs are paying close attention to cooking. The result of their hard work is a culinary masterpiece. It pleases the child and causes appetite.

Fresh foods are used to prepare the dishes on the children's menu. This is a key aspect that we always adhere to. When cooking a chef fantasizes and comes up with creative ideas. From useful products they prepare delicious and unusually decorated dishes. This is very important for children because it is difficult for them to please. Our chefs understand that the baby needs to be interested in food. Therefore, the usual ingredients create beautiful and delicious dishes!

What's on the kids menu? We have carefully considered this issue and created a diverse menu. It includes ice cream in assortment, cheesecake with raspberry sauce, tiramisu, chocolate cake. Also our chefs prepare hot dishes, salads, meat, fish. They have sufficient experience and professionalism. Therefore, children are happy to eat what they have on their plate.

Playground - everything for children!

Children are the guests we pay maximum attention to. For this purpose, we have a specially equipped children's room in the hotel. It is interesting and informative in it. Crossing the threshold of the room, boys and girls enter the other world. It is filled with positive emotions, bright colors and fun. The young guests of the Valentino Lviv restaurant feel comfortable on the playground. They play what they like more. These can be large sized cubes, plush toys, board games.

Come to us and bring your children with you! As long as you celebrate an anniversary or other holiday, children will not get bored. They will play and explore the children's room at the Swiss Hotel. They like absolutely everything. These are bright pictures on the walls, comfortable colorful furniture and a special atmosphere that dominates the playground. As for the menu, your kids will definitely not be hungry. Our chefs prepare appetizing dishes, which saw boys and girls having an appetite. Children like the taste of the dishes and the way they are originally designed. Therefore, nothing remains on the plates.

If you are planning a holiday and you want to bring your baby with you, do not worry. While staying at the restaurant, the daughter or son will be able to stay on the playground. The child will play with toys and communicate with other children. He will be watched by a nanny who has the necessary job skills. It provides order and security as well as comes up with fun games. Therefore, in the nursery, the boys never miss and be bored. They have fun and enjoy every moment spent in the nursery!