
                        Куди піти з дитиною у Львові: цікаві місця, розваги для дітей - Lviv Science Museum

Куди піти з дитиною у Львові: цікаві місця, розваги для дітей - Lviv Science Museum

Where to go with a child in Lviv: one of the most exciting places for children in Lviv is the Lviv Science Museum. A weekend with a child in Lviv will be exciting and unforgettable, as well as the Valentino restaurant, the Swiss hotel, which has a children's room, a children's menu, and children's culinary master classes are held in the restaurant.

Куди піти з дитиною у Львові: Львівський Музей Науки, Ресторан Валентино, готель Швейцарський


Інстаграм готелю Швейцарський: 

Фейсбук готелю Швейцарський:

Забронювати номер в готелі з генератором та парковкою: 

Львів – місто, яке завжди радо зустрічає гостей, пропонуючи безліч цікавих місць для відвідування. Якщо ви плануєте вихідні з дитиною у Львові, одним із найбільш захоплюючих місць для малечі та підлітків є Львівський Музей Науки. Це місце, де наука стає доступною і цікавою для всіх вікових категорій.

Львівський Музей Науки

Музей Науки у Львові – це унікальний простір, де діти можуть не лише побачити, але й відчути на дотик наукові експерименти та винаходи. Експозиції музею розроблені так, щоб бути інтерактивними та зрозумілими для дітей будь-якого віку. В музеї діти можуть:

  • Вивчати основи фізики та хімії за допомогою захоплюючих експериментів.
  • Ознайомитись з роботою різних механізмів та приладів.
  • Відкрити для себе світ астрономії через планетарій та телескопи.
  • Дізнатись більше про природу та екологію за допомогою інтерактивних стендів.

Музей Науки – це ідеальне місце для розвитку дитячої цікавості та допитливості, де кожен експонат розповідає свою історію і дає змогу дітям відчути себе справжніми дослідниками.

Ресторан "Валентино" в центрі Львова з дитячою кімнатою

Після насиченого дня в музеї, можна завітати до сімейного ресторану "Валентино", який також дбає про маленьких гостей. Ресторан пропонує спеціальне дитяче меню, яке порадує навіть найвибагливіших малюків. Крім того, "Валентино" регулярно проводить дитячі кулінарні майстер-класи, де ваші діти зможуть навчитися готувати смачні страви під керівництвом професійних кухарів. Це не тільки розвага, але й корисний досвід для маленьких гурманів.

Готель "Швейцарський" в центрі Львова з парковкою

Якщо ви плануєте залишитися у Львові на кілька днів, чудовим вибором буде готель "Швейцарський". Готель пропонує комфортабельні номери та широкий спектр послуг для сімей з дітьми. На території готелю є дитяча кімната, де ваші малюки зможуть гратися під наглядом досвідчених аніматорів. Готель також пропонує дитяче меню, яке задовольнить смакові уподобання вашої дитини.

Для бронювання телефонуйте за номером: ☎ +38 (096) 240 37 77 або скористайтеся онлайн-формою на нашому сайті. Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо на вас і готові зробити ваше перебування у Львові незабутнім! 

Готель "Швейцарський" з рестораном "Панорама Валентино" – це ідеальне місце для відпочинку в самому центрі Львова. Завдяки світлу та теплу 24/7, зручній парковці та вишуканому ресторану на даху, ваше перебування у нас буде комфортним та приємним. Бронюйте номер зараз і переконайтеся у цьому самі! 

Вихідні з дитиною у Львові. Дитяча кімната та дитяче меню

Вихідні з дитиною у Львові можуть бути не лише пізнавальними, але й незабутніми завдяки Львівському Музею Науки, ресторану "Валентино" та готелю "Швейцарський". Це місто, яке дбає про своїх маленьких гостей, пропонуючи безліч можливостей для цікавого та корисного проведення часу. Приїжджайте до Львова і насолоджуйтесь кожною хвилиною разом з вашими дітьми! 


26 July 2024

views: 5

                        How to choose a hotel? Tips and recommendations

How to choose a hotel? Tips and recommendations

Why should you choose Swiss Hotel in Lviv? What are its main advantages?

How to choose a hotel? Tips and recommendations

Instagram of Swiss hotel: 

Facebook of Hotel Swiss:

Book a room in a hotel with a generator and parking: 

Call the hotel to book a room:☎ +380962403777

Choosing a hotel for a vacation or business trip can be a daunting task, especially when there are so many options on the market. To make the right choice, you should pay attention to several key aspects that will help you find the perfect place to live. Below are some tips and recommendations that will help you in this matter. And, as an example, consider the wonderful Swiss hotel in Lviv and its Valentino restaurant.

1. Determine your needs and budget for choosing a hotel

Before you start looking for a hotel, determine exactly what you need. Consider the purpose of your trip (leisure or work), the number of days you are staying, the number of people traveling with you, and your budget. Knowing these parameters will help narrow your search and focus on the options that meet your requirements.

2. Location: hotel in the city or outside the city

The location of the hotel is one of the most important factors. Choose a hotel located close to the places you plan to visit. If you are traveling to Lviv, pay attention to the Swiss Hotel, located in the heart of the city. This will allow you to easily reach the main tourist attractions, restaurants and cafes, as well as business centers if you are here on business.

3. Amenities and services in hotels. How to choose the best?

Before booking a hotel, check what amenities and services it offers. For a comfortable stay, it is important that the hotel has all the services you need: free Wi-Fi, breakfast, fitness center, parking, etc. The Swiss Hotel offers its guests a wide range of amenities, including free internet access, modern rooms, as well as the panoramic restaurant Valentino, where you can enjoy delicious dishes.

4. Reviews and ratings of hotels in the city and outside the city

Before booking a hotel, be sure to read the reviews of other guests. This will help you get an idea of ​​the quality of services and service. Ratings on platforms such as TripAdvisor, or Google will give you a real idea of ​​what to expect from the chosen hotel.

5. Additional services in the best hotels

Check if the hotel offers additional services such as airport transfers, car rentals, tours, etc. It can make your stay even more comfortable and pleasant. For example, the Swiss Hotel offers the organization of transfers and excursions around the city, which will allow you to enjoy Lviv without unnecessary worries.

6. Safety in the hotel above all else - check if the hotel you booked has shelter

Make sure the hotel adheres to all necessary safety standards. This includes security, in-room safes, 24-hour front desk, etc. The Swiss Hotel takes care of the safety of its guests, providing round-the-clock surveillance and the availability of necessary security measures.

7. Meals at the hotel. Swedish line or full board.

Pay attention to the food options offered by the hotel. Some hotels offer only breakfast, while others offer full board or all-inclusive meals. The Swiss Hotel offers its guests delicious breakfasts, as well as the opportunity to visit the Valentino restaurant, where you can taste Ukrainian and European cuisine.

8. Availability of parking at the hotel or nearby

If you are traveling by car, it is important that the hotel has convenient and safe parking. The Swiss hotel offers its guests parking, which is a big plus, especially in the center of Lviv, where finding a parking space can be difficult.

9. Special offers and promotions in hotels. What to pay attention to?

Before booking, check if the hotel has any special offers or promotions. This can help you save money or get additional benefits. The Swiss Hotel often holds promotions and special offers for its guests, which makes your stay even more profitable.

What is important. Choose also based on reviews on Google Trip Advisor, with the help of reviews on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook.

Choosing a hotel is an important step to a successful trip. With all of the above tips and tricks in mind, you'll be able to find the perfect place to stay that meets your needs and expectations. Swiss Hotel in Lviv is an excellent example of a hotel that combines an excellent location, high level of service and amenities, making it an ideal choice for your stay in Lviv. Don't forget to visit the Valentino restaurant and enjoy a real culinary delight during your visit.


18 July 2024

views: 78

                        Swiss Hotel in the center of Lviv with parking and a generator - a reliable and "iron" partner of Ukrzaliznytsia

Swiss Hotel in the center of Lviv with parking and a generator - a reliable and "iron" partner of Ukrzaliznytsia

Swiss Hotel in the center of Lviv with parking and a generator - a reliable and "iron" partner of Ukrzaliznytsia


Instagram of Swiss Hotel: 

Facebook of Hotel Swiss:

Book a room in a hotel with a generator and parking: 

Good news for all passengers of "Ukrzaliznytsia"! From now on, your trips are not only fast and comfortable, but can also become more profitable thanks to the new loyalty program. "Ukrzaliznytsia" allowed to exchange accumulated bonuses for pleasant gifts from partners, one of which is the famous Lviv Swiss Hotel.

How does the loyalty program from "Ukrzaliznytsia" work?

"Ukrzaliznytsia" introduced a system of calculating bonuses for each trip. Every time you travel, "hugs" - the program's internal currency - are added to your bonus account. Having collected a sufficient number of "hugs", you can exchange them for various gifts and discounts from program partners.

The Swiss Hotel is one of the key partners

One of the most attractive partners of the program is the Swiss Hotel in Lviv. This luxury hotel offers you to exchange your "hugs" for significant discounts on accommodation. And the best thing is that the discount applies to all categories of rooms, from standard to luxury apartments.

Benefits of staying at the Swiss Hotel

The Swiss Hotel is famous for its hospitality, high level of service and excellent living conditions. Located in the heart of Lviv, the hotel allows you to enjoy walking through the old streets, visit numerous museums, theaters and restaurants of the city.

The hotel offers its guests comfortable rooms with a modern design, equipped with all the necessary amenities. Regardless of the selected room category, you can always count on impeccable service and attention to detail. For those who came to Lviv for work, the hotel also offers a business center and conference rooms.

How to exchange "hugs" for a discount?

The process of exchanging "hugs" for a discount is very simple and convenient. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Registration: Make sure that you are registered in the Ukrzaliznytsia loyalty program and have an active account.
  2. Accumulation of bonuses: Travel with "Ukrzaliznytsia" and accumulate "hugs" for each trip.
  3. Choosing a gift: Go to the loyalty program section on the "Ukrzaliznytsia" website and choose the Swiss hotel among partners.
  4. Exchange bonuses: Enter the number of "hugs" you want to exchange for a discount. After confirmation, you will receive a discount code.
  5. Room reservation: Book a room on the website of the Swiss hotel or call the hotel. Enter the discount code you received when booking.

Impressions of guests of the Swiss Hotel

The Swiss Hotel has been one of the most popular hotels in Lviv for many years in a row. Guests note its convenient location, cozy rooms and excellent service. Delicious breakfasts and the Valentino restaurant, where guests can enjoy dishes of Ukrainian and European cuisine, receive especially many positive reviews.

We are very pleased to be able to offer our guests such pleasant bonuses and discounts. Cooperation with "Ukrzaliznytsia" allows us to make staying in our hotel even more affordable and profitable - says the hotel's marketing manager Swiss Hote Mykhailo Sheveliuk.

So, if you are planning a trip to Lviv, don't forget to take advantage of new opportunities from "Ukrzaliznytsia" and exchange your bonuses for discounts at the Swiss Hotel. This is a great opportunity to make your trip even more pleasant and comfortable. Book a room today and enjoy all the benefits of the loyalty program!

To make a reservation, call the number: ☎ +38 (096) 240 37 77 or use the online form on our website. We look forward to seeing you and are ready to make your stay in Lviv unforgettable!

The Swiss hotel with the Panorama Valentino restaurant is an ideal place for relaxation in the very center of Lviv. Thanks to light and warmth 24/7, convenient parking and an exquisite restaurant on the roof, your stay with us will be comfortable and pleasant. Book a room now and see for yourself!


17 July 2024

views: 84

                        The Swiss Hotel participates as a partner for a photo session that will be featured in the UNESCO World Photo Project "2024 Martial Arts Photo Contest"

The Swiss Hotel participates as a partner for a photo session that will be featured in the UNESCO World Photo Project "2024 Martial Arts Photo Contest"

The indomitable marines took part in the photo project 2024 Martial Arts Photo Contest for UNESCO on the roof of the Swiss Hotel in Lviv.

Dear guests!

The Swiss Hotel is pleased to announce its participation in the worldwide UNESCO photo project "2024 Martial Arts Photo Contest". This photo project aims to promote inclusion and equality through martial arts, and we are proud to be a part of this important initiative.

UNESCO has a long history of supporting social initiatives that promote inclusion and equality around the world. Participation in this photo project highlights our commitment to the values ​​of equality and inclusion. We believe that everyone, regardless of physical injury, has the right to equal opportunity and recognition.

The Swiss Hotel was the location where the photos were taken for this photo project, and we are happy to help bring international attention to important social issues. Our partnership in creating comfortable conditions for a photo shoot is an important part of this initiative aimed at increasing the level of tolerance and support for people with physical injuries.

We are sure that this photo project will help to change society's attitude towards people with physical injuries, increasing the level of tolerance and support.

We invite you to visit the Swiss Hotel and enjoy our hospitable service. We are sure that your stay in our hotel will be comfortable and pleasant.

Best regards,
Swiss Hotel


16 July 2024

views: 88

                        Swiss Hotel Lviv - The availability of inclusive rooms

Swiss Hotel Lviv - The availability of inclusive rooms

The Swiss hotel has an inclusive room and a business room, a room for people with disabilities

Lviv is a city that attracts tourists with its rich historical heritage, charming architecture and cultural events. But not all hotels in the city can boast of full accessibility and comfort for people with disabilities. The Swiss Hotel stands out among others for its attention to detail and provision of special conditions for all its guests, regardless of their physical capabilities.

Instagram of Swiss Hotel: 

Facebook of Hotel Swiss:

Book a room in a hotel with a generator and parking: \


An inclusive room is comfort for everyone

The Swiss Hotel has created a special inclusive room that meets all accessibility requirements. Here, all the little things are taken into account for a comfortable stay of people with disabilities. The bathroom features a ramp for easy access, wide doorways, and easy-to-use furniture and appliances.

Amenities of an inclusive room

  • Wide doorways: Room and bathroom doors are wide enough to allow easy wheelchair access.
  • Specially equipped bathroom: The universal toilet is equipped with handrails, a shower cabin without barriers.
  • Easy access to furniture and appliances:  

Business room - for productive work. Conference hall of the Swiss hotel

For guests who came to Lviv on business, the Swiss Hotel offers a modern business room. This place is equipped with everything necessary for holding meetings, conferences and business negotiations. Fast Internet, modern equipment and comfortable conditions - all this is created so that you can work effectively even on a business trip.

Business room amenities - Conference hall.

  • Fast Wi-Fi: Free high-speed Internet is available throughout the hotel.
  • Modern equipment: Projectors, screens and other necessary technical means for holding presentations and conferences.
  • Comfortable conditions: Comfortable chairs and tables, as well as the possibility to order coffee or other drinks during business meetings.

Advantages of the Swiss hotel

Location in the center of Lviv

The Swiss Hotel is located in the heart of Lviv, which makes it an ideal place for tourists and businessmen. You will be able to quickly reach the main attractions of the city, cafes, restaurants and cultural institutions.

Light and heat 24/7 in a hotel in the center

The hotel provides stable electricity supply and heat at any time of the day. This is especially important in winter, when weather conditions can be unpredictable. You will always be able to enjoy the comfort of your room regardless of the situation outside the window.

Parking in Lviv in the center

For guests arriving by car, the Swiss hotel offers convenient parking. This allows you not to worry about the safety of your car and focus on rest or work.

Excellent service in the center of Lviv at the Swiss hotel

The staff of the Swiss hotel is always ready to help you with any questions. We provide high-quality service and an individual approach to each guest to make your stay as pleasant as possible.

Book a hotel room in Lviv today

The Swiss Hotel is a place where every guest will find comfort and coziness. A specially equipped inclusive room provides all the conditions for a comfortable stay for people with disabilities, and the business room is designed for those who came to Lviv on business. Convenient location in the city center, light and heat 24/7, as well as convenient parking make the Swiss Hotel an ideal choice for your visit to Lviv.

Do not delay and book a room at the Swiss hotel today! Our contacts: ☎ +38 (096) 240 37 77. We look forward to seeing you and are ready to make your stay in Lviv unforgettable!


16 July 2024

views: 67

                        Panoramic terrace. Hotel in the center of Lviv with parking and lights 24/7

Panoramic terrace. Hotel in the center of Lviv with parking and lights 24/7

Hotel in Lviv Hotel in the center of Lviv Panorama Valentino

Lviv, known for its ancient streets, unique architecture and rich history, attracts tourists from all over the world. And if you are looking for the perfect place to relax in the heart of this beautiful city, then the Swiss hotel with the Panorama Valentino restaurant will be your best choice.

Instagram of Swiss Hotel: 

Facebook of Hotel Swiss:

Book a room in a hotel with a generator and parking: 

Hotel in the center of Lviv with all amenities. Swiss Hotel Lviv

The Swiss Hotel is located in the very center of Lviv, which allows you to be in the epicenter of all events and easily reach the main attractions of the city. The hotel's convenient location is just one of the many advantages we offer our guests.

Modern and cozy hotel with parking and generator

The Swiss Hotel combines modern comfort and coziness. Each room is carefully decorated with the needs of guests in mind, providing all the necessary amenities for your comfortable stay. The rooms have everything you need to relax after a busy day of walking around the city.

Light and heat 24/7 in a hotel in the center of Lviv with parking and a generator

One of the main advantages of the hotel is the availability of light and heat 24/7. Regardless of weather conditions or technical problems in the city, you will always have a stable power supply and heat in your room. This makes the Swiss Hotel an ideal place for a comfortable stay at any time of the year.

Parking in the center of Lviv at the Swiss hotel

For guests traveling by car, the hotel offers convenient parking. This allows you not to worry about the safety of your vehicle and enjoy your vacation without any worries.

Restaurant Panorama Valentino is a great place for gastronomic delights

The Panorama Valentino restaurant is located on the roof of the Swiss Hotel, which offers excellent conditions for enjoying gastronomic masterpieces and breathtaking views of Lviv.

A chic restaurant on the roof of a family hotel in Lviv

Panorama Valentino is not just a restaurant, but a real oasis of taste and style. Here you can enjoy exquisite dishes from our chef who uses only the freshest and highest quality ingredients. The menu of the restaurant will satisfy even the most demanding gourmets, and the atmosphere of the establishment will add a special charm to your evening.

Wine cellar in the hotel. The only authentic one in Lviv

For wine connoisseurs, the Panorama Valentino restaurant has a wine cellar with a rich collection of the best wines from around the world. Our sommelier will be happy to help you choose the drink that best complements your dinner.

Breathtaking views from the panoramic terrace of the Swiss Hotel

Restaurant Panorama Valentino offers you a unique opportunity to enjoy dinner with a view of old Lviv. The evening lights of the city twinkling on the horizon create an unforgettable atmosphere of romance and coziness.

Book your stay now and get an unforgettable experience

Do not delay and book a room at the Swiss Hotel today! Enjoy comfort, exquisite dishes and wonderful views while staying in the very heart of Lviv.

To make a reservation, call: ☎ +38 (096) 240 37 77 or use the online form on our website. We look forward to seeing you and are ready to make your stay in Lviv unforgettable!

The Swiss hotel with the Panorama Valentino restaurant is an ideal place for relaxation in the very center of Lviv. Thanks to light and warmth 24/7, convenient parking and an exquisite restaurant on the roof, your stay with us will be comfortable and pleasant. Book a room now and see for yourself!


16 July 2024

views: 87

                        Покращений твін/дабл, номер 7 в готелі "Швейцарський"

Покращений твін/дабл, номер 7 в готелі "Швейцарський"

Superior Twin/Double, Room 7 at the Swiss Hotel

Superior twin/double room at the Swiss hotel

Room 7 category Superior twin/double in the Swiss Hotel on the fourth floor is a real oasis of coziness and comfort, ideal for those who value harmony and style. Decorated in floral and pastel colors, this room creates an atmosphere of peace and lightness, inviting guests to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of rest and relaxation.


Main features of the room:

  • Interior design: Floral-pastel color palette adds freshness and light to the interior of the room. Gentle shades of pink, beige and green combined with sophisticated floral motifs create the feeling of a spring garden blooming in your space.

  • Comfortable double bed or two separate beds: The room offers the possibility to choose between a comfortable double bed or two separate beds, which ensures maximum comfort for guests. High-quality mattresses and soft bed linen guarantee a sound and healthy sleep.

  • Spacious shower: The modern bathroom is equipped with a spacious shower with high-quality sanitary ware. Refined toiletries, fluffy towels and a hair dryer provide everything you need for your comfort.

  • Window overlooking the courtyard: A window overlooking a cozy courtyard gives a sense of peace and privacy, creates an atmosphere of tranquility, allowing you to take a break from the city bustle.

  • Relaxation area: Comfortable armchairs with a sofa and a coffee table invite you to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while reading a book or having conversations in a relaxed atmosphere.

  • Modern amenities: The room is equipped with everything you need for a comfortable stay: plasma TV with cable channels, free Wi-Fi, air conditioning and heating, a minibar with a wide selection of drinks and snacks.

  • Work area: For those who combine rest with work, there is a comfortable desk with high-quality lighting and a comfortable chair.

  • Additional amenities: A large wardrobe, a safe for valuables and tea and coffee making facilities make your stay as comfortable and carefree as possible.

Impressions from the stay

Room 7 category Superior twin/double at the Swiss Hotel is an ideal place for relaxation, where every detail is thought out for your comfort. Cozy interior, comfortable furniture and high level of service create an atmosphere in which you can completely relax and enjoy every moment of your stay in Lviv. The Swiss Hotel invites you to experience true hospitality and comfort in the heart of this charming city.


04 July 2024

views: 136

                        Hotels and motels in Lviv

Hotels and motels in Lviv

Lviv hotels and motels: TOP-3 A selection of the best

Львів – це місто, яке поєднує багатство історії, культуру та сучасний комфорт. Відвідуючи Львів, ви захочете зупинитися в одному з найкращих місць для проживання, щоб ваш візит був незабутнім. Ось наш ТОП-3 підбірка найкращих готелів та мотелів Львова, які гарантують високий рівень сервісу та комфорту.

1. Готель "Швейцарський"

Готель "Швейцарський" – це розкішний готель, розташований у самому серці Львова. Його елегантні номери, вишуканий дизайн та високий рівень обслуговування створюють ідеальні умови для незабутнього перебування.

Обрати номери та забронювати готель можна за посиланням:  або за номером: +380962403777 


  • Розкішні номери: Від стандартних номерів до розкішних люксів – усі номери обладнані за сучасними стандартами та пропонують найвищий рівень комфорту.
  • Ресторан "Валентино": Відомий своєю італійською кухнею та вишуканою атмосферою, ресторан пропонує смачні страви та незабутній гастрономічний досвід.
  • Розташування: Готель розташований у самому центрі Львова, що дозволяє легко дістатися до основних визначних пам'яток міста.
  • Власний паркінг;
  • Салон краси "Маска" в центрі Львова при готелі "Швейцарський".



2. Готель "Леополіс"

Готель "Леополіс" – це розкішний готель, який поєднує в собі історичний шарм та сучасний комфорт. Затишні номери, чудовий ресторан та високий рівень сервісу роблять цей готель ідеальним вибором для тих, хто цінує комфорт та елегантність.


  • Історична атмосфера: Готель розташований у відреставрованій будівлі XVIII століття, що додає особливого шарму та історичної цінності.
  • Вишуканий ресторан: Гості можуть насолодитися чудовими стравами української та європейської кухні в ресторані готелю.
  • Розташування: "Леополіс" знаходиться в самому центрі Львова, поблизу основних визначних пам'яток і розважальних закладів.

3. Мотель "Вілла Австрія"

Мотель "Вілла Австрія" – це затишний та гостинний мотель, розташований за Львовом. Ідеальне місце для тих, хто шукає спокійний відпочинок з комфортом.


  • Комфортні номери: Мотель пропонує затишні номери з усіма необхідними зручностями для комфортного перебування.
  • Приватність та спокій: Мотель розташований у тихому районі Львова, що забезпечує спокійний відпочинок далеко від міської метушні.
  • Гостинність: Привітний персонал завжди готовий допомогти та забезпечити високий рівень обслуговування.

Кожен з цих готелів та мотелів пропонує унікальний досвід та відповідає найвищим стандартам комфорту і гостинності. Незалежно від того, чи ви шукаєте розкішний готель у центрі міста, чи затишний мотель для спокійного відпочинку, у Львові ви знайдете ідеальне місце для свого перебування. Відвідайте один із цих чудових закладів та насолоджуйтеся незабутніми моментами у чарівному місті Львові!


03 July 2024

views: 179

                        Junior suite, number 40 in the Swiss hotel

Junior suite, number 40 in the Swiss hotel

Junior suite, number 40 in the Swiss hotel

Junior suite, number 40 in the Swiss hotel

The Junior Suite room at the Swiss Hotel on the fourth floor is a real gem of luxury and comfort, ideal for those who value elegance and attention to detail. Decorated in pastel-turquoise colors, this room creates an atmosphere of peace and comfort, giving unforgettable impressions of being in the heart of Lviv.



Room equipment

  • Wide double or two single beds
  • Electronic lock
  • Safe
  • Coffee machine
  • Mini-bar
  • Air conditioning
  • Heating
  • Plasma panel
  • Soundproof walls

Included in the price

  • Free WI-FI up to 100 Mbps
  • 2 hours of use of the steam room
  • Wake up call service at the guest's request
  • City telephone connection within Lviv
  • Round-the-clock security
  • Call a taxi
  • Cable television
  • City telephone connection
  • Room cleaning - daily
  • Towels are changed daily\
  • Change of bed linen - once every 3 days

Also in the room

  • Cosmetic sets\
  • Soft towels and slippers
  • Hair dryer

Room features:


  • Spacious bathroom with bathtub: The bathroom is an oasis of relaxation, equipped with a large bathtub and modern plumbing. A unique window in the bathroom adds a special charm and allows natural light to penetrate inside, creating a feeling of space and lightness. Soft towels, a hair dryer and free toiletries emphasize care for your comfort.
  • Elegant interior in pastel-turquoise tones: The room is made in gentle pastel-turquoise shades that create a soothing atmosphere. Stylish decor, exquisite furniture and carefully selected accessories complement the interior, creating a harmonious and cozy space.
  • Comfortable double bed: A large and comfortable double bed with high-quality linens will ensure you the best rest. Soft pillows and blankets add a feeling of home comfort, allowing you to relax and enjoy every moment.
  • Lounge area: The room has comfortable armchairs and a coffee table where you can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while reading a book or watching your favorite programs on the flat screen TV with cable channels.
  • Work space: A work desk with a comfortable chair and good lighting is ideal for those who combine rest with work. Free Wi-Fi provides fast Internet access, allowing you to stay connected and work efficiently.
  • Minibar: A minibar with a wide range of drinks and snacks is always at hand so you can enjoy your favorite treats at any time.
  • Individual climate control: Air conditioning and heating allow you to create optimal conditions for your stay regardless of the season.
  • City view: Large windows provide a great view of the lively city of Lviv, adding a special charm to your stay. The windows are well insulated, which ensures peace and quiet inside the room.
  • Additional amenities: A spacious closet for storing clothes, a safe for valuables, as well as tea and coffee making facilities add comfort to your stay.


The Swiss hotel is known for its hospitality and high level of service, so you can be sure that your stay will be as comfortable and pleasant as possible. The Junior Suite room with a bath and pastel-turquoise colors is designed to make you feel special, enjoying all the advantages of a modern hotel in the heart of charming Lviv.


27 June 2024

views: 119

                        Lux, room number 28 in the Swiss Hotel

Lux, room number 28 in the Swiss Hotel

Lux room in the center of Lviv in a family hotel

Room #28 in the "Swiss" hotel
Two-room room with one double bed, which also has space for placing an additional bed.
The bathroom is equipped with a shower cabin.

Area: 31 square meters. m.
View: on Nyzhankivskogo Street

Floor: 2

A bright and spacious deluxe room in the Swiss hotel, which has everything you need for a comfortable rest.

The room is also equipped with air conditioning, a TV and a refrigerator, in which we offer a minibar. Harmony in the planning of the room and eye-pleasing shades of the interior, in which there is nothing superfluous, add a pleasant atmosphere where it is good to relax for married couples, families and just people traveling for any purpose.


You can book a room by calling:


27 June 2024

views: 895