10 September 2021

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19 places to visit in Lviv

                        19 places to visit in Lviv

Rynok Square
The most famous square in Lviv is Rynok Square. Located in the center, in the old part of town. So there is something to look at, because the local houses still remember the events of past centuries. Only representatives of the nobility had the right to build on Rynok Square during the Middle Ages. The first mention of the central city square dates back to the 13th century. For many centuries, this square was the center of city life. Here they organized cultural events, processions, sold vegetables, fruits and flowers on the market, which were grown by locals.

City Hall
If you are in Lviv, it is the duty of every tourist to look at the central part of the city from the town hall tower. Lviv City Hall is the highest in Ukraine, its height is 65 meters. So it is a good view of the city. By the way, the building is an architectural monument and is protected not only in Ukraine but also by UNESCO.

Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Solomiya Krushelnytska
Tourists often take their first photo in Lviv against the background of the Opera House. The people of Lviv owe such a beautiful building to the architect Zygmunt Gorgolevsky. This architect built many majestic buildings in Poland and Germany in the 19th century. This building has both a beautiful interior and a majestic exterior.

Italian Restaurant Valentino with Rooftop Terrace
"Luxurious. Elegant. Italian" - this is the slogan of the new restaurant of Italian cuisine "Valentino". The restaurant is located in an old house in the heart of the city, next to the Market Square. Earlier, the favorite restaurant of Lviv "Cactus" was located on this place.

Terrace of Valentino restaurant with panoramic views of the center of Lviv
designed for banquets, romantic dinners with a loved one,
business lunches, corporate events, buffets or event celebrations.

The terrace is open daily from 12:00 until 22:00

Italian courtyard
A cozy place in the heart of Leo. Here you can relax from the noisy streets filled with tourists. Back in the 16th century, when the courtyard was built, the owners tried to arrange it so that this corner became a place of rest. Also create a building in the ancient city, similar to the cozy homes of Italians. They succeeded.

Armenian quarter
Lviv became a refuge for Armenians as far back as the 13th century. Expelled from their lands, they were forced to look for a new home. Armenian merchants and artisans were the first to arrive in the city of Lev. They settled compactly, so now all the sights, the appearance of which the city owes to the Armenians, are concentrated on the street Armenian. Probably the most famous of them is the Armenian Cathedral, built in 1370.

Potocki Palace
The beautiful building in the style of classicism was erected in the 19th century. The initiators of the palace were the famous Potocki family. There used to be a small hunting lodge on the site of the Potocki palace. But the family needed an elegant place where they could receive distinguished guests.

Church and monastery of the Bernardines
The church and monastery are a whole complex, which is now an architectural and historical monument. Interestingly, the Bernardine monastery is not just a spiritual building, but also a defensive one. In the 17th century, its construction was undertaken only on condition that it would have strong walls. So for a long time the defensive redoubts of the monastery protected the people of Lviv from enemies. Therefore, shots were fired from this spiritual structure more than once. Of the defensive redoubts, the Glynyansky Gate has survived to this day.

Boim Chapel
The Boim Chapel was built in the 17th century on the site of an old cemetery. It became a tomb for the old Hungarian Boim family. It is not known exactly who constructed this truly work of art. However, experts equate the Lviv chapel with the tomb in the Wawel Cracow. There are no more analogues of the Boim chapel in Europe.

High Castle Mountain
To be in Lviv and not to visit the High Castle is like not seeing Khreshchatyk in Kyiv even for a moment. This is the highest point of the city of Leo. The height of the mountain is 413 meters. Once upon a time there was a castle on it. The construction of the mountain began in the 13th century. When the castle was built and it became clearly visible from the surrounding areas, the mountain began to be called Castle, or "High Castle".

Pharmacy-museum "Under the black eagle"
If in the last few years a lot of new tourist highlights have appeared in Lviv, the Pharmacy-Museum has been known for a long time. For centuries, this institution has maintained its reputation. For years, the pharmacy has been able to combine the medical component with the tourist one. After all, despite the fact that dozens of tourists visit the pharmacy every day, they do not stop selling medicines here. If tourists enthusiastically look at all sorts of cones, herbalists, tablet machines, the people of Lviv come here because of what the doctor prescribed. The pharmacy has been operating in the city since 1735.

Brewing Museum
If you not only like to taste an intoxicating drink, but also want to know how it is made, then you should definitely visit the Brewing Museum. It was installed in 2005 on the territory of Lviv Brewery. Various exhibits were placed on 600 square meters: beer barrels, bottles, mugs, tools with which beer was made. Also, old beer recipes are still preserved in old books.

Kryivka Kneipp Restaurant
This institution differs from others not only in Lviv, but throughout Ukraine. The owners of "Kryivka" decided on a difficult experiment. The restaurant with the attributes of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army immediately became famous, but there was a lot of criticism. After all, if in Western Ukraine honoring UPA soldiers is a common thing, in other regions it is treated with caution.

Lviv Chocolate Workshop
Chocolate has also become a kind of symbol for the city of Leo. Numerous chocolate festivals gather thousands of tourists in Lviv every year. What to do if the sweet holiday is still far away? Of course, visit the Lviv Chocolate Workshop. Chocolate white, milk, black, with nuts and marzipan, other tasty fillings. Chocolate bars and melted, chocolate desserts, cakes. In short, delicious! Delicacies should be tasted with Lviv coffee, another symbol of Lviv.

Monument to the chimney sweep
This monument is located quite high. From the roof of the cafe "House of Legends" on Staroyevreiska Street, a chimney sweep is watching life in Lviv. If you plan to look at this monument, you should have a lot of small coins in your wallet. Why? The soot hat has a bottom, but is connected to a gutter. Tourists and visitors of the institution throw coins there. When they ring, they fall into a chest, and sometimes onto a summer terrace. Therefore, those visitors who decide to drink coffee on the terrace, even give umbrellas to protect them from the "golden" rain.

Lychakiv cemetery
It is not customary to visit cemeteries. Too scary. But in Lviv, the cemetery is not just a place for burial, but a historical and cultural museum-reserve. 300 thousand burials on 40 hectares. Sculptures are installed on 500 graves. Would you say what's amazing here? And the fact that these sculptures are real works of art. Angels, saints, people who are buried in the cemetery, carved out of stone. They convey sadness and despair. The faces of the sculptures are so natural that it seems that tears are about to flow from the eyes of the little angel! These are the places to visit!

Underground river Poltva
Even those tourists who have already visited Lviv do not always know that there is a river in the city. Underground. Once Poltva flowed freely through the streets of the city of Lev. But in the 19th century, the city had an acute problem with sewage. It had to be solved quickly, because the sewage flowed into the river, so it was decided to wall it in the collector. The grandiose project began in 1879. The river was blocked on the section from the Maria Zankovetska Theater to Shevchenko Avenue. Then implemented several more stages, which lasted until the mid-1920s. In 1970, several more land flows of the city were walled up.

Arena-Lviv Stadium
The largest stadium in Western Ukraine was built specifically for the European Football Championship, which took place in 2012. So, in addition to the national team, which from time to time holds its home matches at Arena-Lviv, the national teams of Germany, Denmark and Portugal played here during the European Championship. The stadium is considered a fort for the national team of Ukraine. The national team won most of the matches held in Lviv.

Vernissage Market
And finally. Many tourists, impressed by Lviv, try to leave something in memory of this beautiful western city. That's why they go to the Vernissage. You can buy souvenirs in this market. It became famous among tourists because you can buy handmade products here. Paintings with Lviv landscapes, extremely beautiful jewelry and embroidered shirts and towels.

As you can see, despite the fact that almost everyone seemed to have visited Lviv and visited almost every corner, there are more and more interesting places here every year. And the old sights do not lose their charm. In every institution, museums are always quite a lot of people. And there are places that will delight with comfort. Delicious Galician cuisine will not leave anyone indifferent, because due to significant competition between hundreds of cafes, restaurants, pubs in the city, chefs have to be great virtuosos in order not to lose customers! Lviv will always please tourists. Good mood when visiting this city of Western Ukraine is guaranteed!